So where does the time go? Anyhow, a while back, a good while back, I won a contest. The Woolie Ewe had asked contestants to name their little lamb, and I won. I suggested her name be "Woolamina". Get it? Wool-amina. Not only did a I win a $100 gift certificate to their store, they also sent me a Woolie Ewe mug and travel mug. I love them both and they get used everyday. Now, it took me a while to cash in on this gift certificate, not because their online shop didn't have a nice selection - au contraire, they have the most wonderful online selection you every did see! And that was my dilemma - I couldn't decide what to get. As you can see, I finally made some choices and this is what I received. The most yummy, scrumptiously delicious yarn you ever did sink your hands into. The Woolie Ewe has a brick and mortar store in Plano, TX, in case you're in the area, and if not, you can view their on-line selection here. Their staff is extremely pleasant and knowledgeable. Tell them Woolamina sent you.
P.S. - I think they're having a big sale right now.
CUTE name! So? Are you going to knit?? I could use a blanket or a hat or something... ;)
Very cute name -- I can see why it won - Congratulations! Beautiful selections too!
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